Fuse to co-host Society for Social Medicine & Population Health Conference 2023

Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, alongside our partners at the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North East and North Cumbria, are proud hosts of this year’s Society for Social Medicine (SSM) & Population Health 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held on campus at Newcastle University.
The event will include a range of stellar keynote speakers, expert panellists, themed parallel sessions, plenaries and workshops.
What will the conference offer?
Social medicine is the study of health in its widest sense. It covers a range of subjects including epidemiology, the medical and health needs of society, health services, and the prevention of disease. This conference spans all research that addresses important issues in population health sciences and includes qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Everyone interested in population health sciences can come together to share information and network in a rigorous yet friendly atmosphere.
Who should attend?
Attendees span a wide range of disciplines including public health, epidemiology, social sciences, economics, psychology, health services research, disease prevention, policy and political science. In recent years, SSM meetings have seen over 300 participants from across the world and the 2022 conference saw over 200 participants travel to Exeter. Participants ranged from students to senior academics, from policy makers to the wider public health community.
Find out more on the conference website
Call for abstracts now open
The call for conference abstracts is now open, and closes on Tuesday 28 February.
Find out more and submit an abstract
Support to attend
At this year’s SSM Annual Scientific Meeting, 23 free and subsidised members’ places are available for students or others who do not have funds to attend the conference. Non-members may apply to become members and then become eligible to make a free/subsidised place application. SSM offers Early Career Researchers (ECRs) their second year of membership free, upon validation of their ECR status by the subcommittee chair.
Find out more about support to attend.
Last modified: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 15:45:44 GMT